2021 Engage Team Update
The mission of the Engage Team is to assist churches as they recruit, equip, and release their membership into the mission field. This process is defined in our Engage Path: Engage Process & Toolkit. This path is designed to mobilize the mission force through missional initiatives that provide churches with opportunities to love and serve in a variety of environments in order to share the gospel.
During 2021, we launched LOVEjax, an initiative designed to encourage churches as the engage the city over a sixty-day period (September- October). The LOVEjax engagement is on three levels: Churchwide initiatives, family projects designed to show and share the love of Jesus in neighborhoods, and individual acts of kindness.
We upgraded and expanded our Search & Rescue evangelism and discipleship tool by adding 321Training. This is a simple process for transitioning an everyday conversation by asking 3 questions, using 2 tools (15-second testimony and the gospel using the 3-Circles), and 1 message – the gospel.
Our annual E-Summit this year will feature author Damian Gerke sharing how church as we know it has the potential for becoming a disciple making movement again. The Summit is scheduled for October 27 and 28.
On November 11, our first Digital Shepherding Lab will provide training for churches who want to improve their connection to their online audience. This lab will address how we can assist our digital guests in their spiritual journey. Training and releasing Digital First Responders provide an instant connection to online seekers. This initial connection opens the door to the possibility of leading this audience through spiritual next steps.