Pastoral Wellness Pathway
Pastors Are People First
Dr. Arch Hart says, “Pastors don’t get into trouble because they forget they are pastors, but because they forget they are persons!” As we all know personal growth is not optional for Pastors. Leading God’s people requires more than just skill.
The Bible says that David shepherded God’s people with a pure heart and guided them with skillful hands. Our growth as a leader includes Heart, Head, Hand, and Habits work.
The Heart: Why pastors lead – Our motivation for leadership
The Head: What pastors think as they lead – Our assumptions and models of leadership
The Hands: How pastors get the work done – Our practices of working through others
The Habits: How pastors stay on track – Our daily rhythms and commitments
When we focus the 4 H’s on three primary areas, our own soul, our family relationships, and our ministry competencies we have the beginning of a helpful Pastoral Wellness Pathway.
Leadership growth is not as likely to happen in isolation
Personal growth as a pastoral leader happens best in community. Jesus’ plan involved gathering a learning community, equipping them, and sending them out to make disciples.
Leadership growth is not as likely to happen in isolation
Personal growth as a pastoral leader happens best in community. Jesus’ plan involved gathering a learning community, equipping them, and sending them out to make disciples.
Leadership growth is the result of a process not an event
Going to a conference can be helpful. Reading a book or a blog is a good way to acquire important information. But good information is not enough.
Growth begins when I challenge my old thinking with new information to gain understanding. It accelerates when I apply what is important to real issues in my world and try something new.
Learning that leads to personal growth combines information, understanding, action and feedback over time.
That is what the Pastoral Wellness Pathway provides. Information, reflection, action, and feedback over time in the context of real ministry and supportive relationships.
Cookie cutters are great for cookies but not for leadership development
Leadership growth is not limited to a single pathway or set of experiences. The path will vary from individual to individual and situation to situation. Healthy pastors are not the product of an assembly line. They are not mass-produced. They are custom produced by the providence God for the assignment He chooses.
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