Prayer Walking The Core
// SEND Relief Tour 2022 Prep//

Jacksonville has been chosen as one of the Send Relief Serve Tour cities in 2022. On September 16-17, 2022, hundreds of people will come to Jacksonville to join us in loving and serving our city in the name of Jesus. This missional experience is the result of a partnership between Send Relief of the North American Mission Board, Love Jax of First Coast Churches, and the Florida Baptist Convention.
The Love Jax Send Relief Tour provides an opportunity for churches to target the city’s most pressing needs by partnering with schools, unique ministries, and a variety of organizations, to show and share God’s love. Loving the city opens the door to radical transformation resulting in exponential impact. The core of Jacksonville, inside the I-295 beltway, will receive the bulk of attention aimed at impacting the areas of greatest need in the city.
Adopt-a-Zone: Prayerwalking the Core
Proper spiritual preparation is vital to any mission. Praying for a spiritual harvest is critical when serving the city. Missional events are more than providing social assistance. Critical to all that is done in the field is the spiritual aspect as God moves behind the scene. He is willing to show Himself strong on behalf of His people (2 Chronicles 16: 9). His power is demonstrated when we ask, seek, and knock (Matt. 7: 7-9). God is ready to provide all that is needed when we pray kingdom prayers for kingdom activity.
One element of the prayer strategy for the Serve Tour is to prayerwalk every street in the core (Inside the I-295 beltway) between May 10 and September 15 (129 days). We are asking God to go before His church to provide for the advancement of His work (Deuteronomy 31: 8; Isaiah 45: 2). He promised the Israelites (Deuteronomy 11: 24) and Joshua (Joshua 1: 3) that every place the sole of the feet of His people touched, He would give them the land. Prayerwalking is praying the territory as we ask Him to push back the darkness and bring light and transformation to the city.
We are inviting the First Coast Churches to Adopt-a-Zone to prayerwalk during the 129 day window. The inner core of the city has been divided into 41 Zones. Each Zone has 1-4 maps (cluster of streets) assigned to the church (churches) that adopt a zone.
It is a challenging undertaking! The core is comprised of some 270 square miles and over 534K people. But much like Nehemiah’s strategy to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, a cooperative effort makes this goal reachable. We are inviting your church to join in as we pray the core and invite our God to provide all that is needed for the gospel to prosper in our city.
It is very simple for your church to be part of the army of prayer walkers in the city. Just follow the simple process outlined below. If you have questions or assistance, contact Mike Reed at
It begins with a DECISION by your church to participate in the LOVEjax prayerwalking project as preparation for the Send Relief Serve Tour in September
Select a COORDINATOR (Prayerwalking Project Director) to facilitate the project. See the section on Prayerwalking Prayer Coordinator for a description of what this role requires in the resources section.
Visit the MASTER MAP and determine what zone fits into your church’s geographical target
Go to the ZONE MAPS and download the PDF maps that are part of your chosen zone. If you need maps with greater street details, request your maps HERE
REGISTER your church for prayerwalking indicating the name of your director along with their email address and cell number. All communication for the project will be directed to the church’s director.
CELEBRATE your prayerwalking adventures by going to the LOVEjax Facebook page and celebrate by sharing your church’s participation through pictures, videos, and text.
REPORT your church’s prayerwalking activity so we are able to determine when the goal has been reached