Defining the Pathways for Your Next Step of Renewal
Like many Americans, I am constantly in a battle between my belt and my belly. My belly wants all the food. Well, not all the food. My belly is not interested in high fiber, low fat, whole grain, rabbit food. My belly is big and bold and wants food that matches that persona. When I allow my belly to decide my diet, my belly delicately reminds me there are costs to these choices. Like a lot of people, I keep saying I need to lose weight but rarely do anything about it. Part of my struggle is trying to figure out how to approach my choices. What are my next steps?
In a previous article, I wrote about discovering your next step in renewal for your church. In our 904 PREP process we help churches define their reality and discover what direction the Lord is calling the congregation for their next step of obedience.
One of the scariest things about taking a next step at any point in life is the uncertainty of it all. What will this next step look like? How will things change? When I struggle with understanding my choices I like to list out as many details as I can about my options. It has been helpful to me to consider what my choices will cost me.
I have worked to create a document as a part of our 904 PREP process to help you do this with your church. This document introduces 12 pathways for your church to consider. These options range from great to small in the resources necessary for your church to be able to approach this pathway. The 12 pathways are also arranged from least to greatest in the amount of autonomy deferred for each choice.
We would love to discuss our 904 PREP process and the 12 pathways with you to help your church take its next step of renewal.