Church Planter Family Day – Jags Game
We are going to the Jaguars game on October 9 at 1pm as the home team takes on the Houston Texans.
For church planters leading member churches in our First Coast Churches network, here is what you get for signing up:
Planter & Spouse will receive FREE tickets to the game ($35 value each) in section 405 plus $30 of Jaguars bucks to use in stadium for concessions. First Coast Churches is providing this $100 value to each of our participating planters for this day.
Parking costs are on your own and tickets for children and others in your plant are available, but you will have to purchase those. We will make the $35 tickets available.
Sending and supporting church pastors and staff members are welcome to join us, but tickets will be on your own. We will make the purchase option available so you can join us in the same section.
We hope you can join us for this. We understand that with services on Sunday mornings often ending around noon, that you may be pushed to get to the game. No worries – just show up as soon as you can. Enjoy the fellowship with one another and enjoy the game. A registration form will be sent out soon, but if you plan to attend let us know so we can prepare the ticket purchase.